We have answered here a few questions that you may have in mind.

Do I need installed a new camera system to get them monitored

Your existing system can work fine for monitoring as long as the  cameras can be accessed over the internet when you are out from the location the cameras are installed.

Why do you recommend night monitoring .

Great question , surely you are right we strongly recommend night monitoring , statistically saying as most of the unlawful activities happen at night as that the time the bad elements know its less chances of attracting attention & even if any attention that will have very slow response & that where are quick action monitoring staff takes leads and helps add that extra protection you need.

I do not know how to log on to my cameras over internet, what should I do

That’s simple to resolve please speak to your camera technician to help you assist with setup of cameras online or helping you with the details for already configured setup .

I do not have cameras installed in my warehouse, what can I do?.

In case you do not have cameras installed in your warehouse we will certainly advocate you should install camera system and add additional layer of security and option to have the facility checked in your physical presence at your site.

For installation of camera system please get in touch with your local camera/CCTV/DVR/ Installation Company and may chose from a wide variety of camera setups available for online viewing over internet.

do you have any option of extending our services

Yes we have some option of extended time monitoring please send us you quire on our email ID and we will revert you with the option which may best suite you.