
On-site Security guards are immensely beneficial to businesses as they help in deterring several criminal activities that are known to occur. Most security guards are trained in several areas from combat skills to first Aid to risk management to emergency evacuation procedures, the list is endless. However, there are quite a number of disadvantages of security guards to business and they are as follows.

  • Security guards cannot cover the entirety of the property.
  • On-site security guards can only be at one place at a time
  • Most criminals target the security personnel
  • Security guards pose a big liability threat to businesses

This is why most businesses need the combination of virtual security surveillance and physical security guards as the virtual security system helps the guards in a number of ways which are outlined below.

  • The Entirety of the Property Will Be On Surveillance

With the help of the virtual security surveillance, the business will be monitored at all times and the live monitoring Services feed will be viewed by trained security operators to detect suspicious activities. In the event of suspicious activity, the virtual guard will Sound the burglar alarm and alert the police directly or the on-site Security guard to take action.

  • Criminal Activity on the Property Can be stopped

Some criminals do not acknowledge physical security guards so they always look for ways to elude them at all costs. With the help of the virtual security system, the criminal will not be able to avoid detection as the security cameras are situated in a number of places. With this early detection, the right authorities will be alerted and criminal activity will be averted.

Virtual security systems can replace physical guards as they can perform more functions than physical guards. UV Security’s Live Monitoring Services are 100% more effective than an Intruder-alarm only. We keep an eye on the things every second at night. We intervene instantly whenever any doubtful activity is noticed. From our remote video monitoring facility, we are able to contact the authority really fast for over 95% of all alarm notifications. Contact +1 832 675 9535 to get your business or property a live surveillance system.


Be Safe and Protected!

The main issue that auto dealership managers and owners face is the issue of false claims such as car impairment, phony wounds, and cars being stolen. This security aspect is always overlooked, these owners should do more to increase their security so their business can be protected. The following are the security measures you have to take to protect your car dealership.

  • Invest In Good Security and Safety Options

It is also very important to invest fully in the security of your business as most times, the cheapest options always cause major problems for your business. If you have all safety and security measures in place, the likelihood of a fake claim holding any merit will be reduced tremendously. It is important that you have a live monitoring Service system in place that will ensure that your auto dealership is safe and secured at all times. The live monitoring Service system should also be monitored by security personnel at all times so false claims will hold no merit where there is evidence of falsehood. CCTV monitoring Services can provide video footage to prove that the false claims are in fact wrong and the reputation of the car dealership will remain intact.

  • Provide Your Employees with Training

Your employees have to be trained to easily detect suspicious behavior so as to avoid false claims from these individuals at a later time. Your employees are the first set of individuals that have the people coming into the dealership in clear sight. If they are given ample training, they will be able to notify the right authority Like police or Security guards in the case of suspicious behavior or follow the person closely.  These are the basic steps to take in ensuring the safety of your car dealership and preventing criminal activity. It is very important that the mechanics are given safety courses as they work with dangerous machinery. These courses are essential for mechanics and maintenance workers that work in the auto dealership as neglect can have adverse effects.

  • Lighting and Landscaping

Ensure landscaping at your dealership allows for a good line of sight throughout the lot, especially from inside the showroom floor. Having maintained and trimmed bushes & trees deter thieves from using them to hide. Both the outside lots and the showroom should be constantly well-lit with bright lights.

  • Prevent Towing Comfort

Towing can be a grave concern for cars parked at the edge of lots of dealerships, and near the roads. Easy ways to prevent towing at ease is to keep vehicle parked with wheels turned to the extreme one side and engaging the parking brake of the vehicle which would make towing tougher, as the car will likely be damaged in an struggled tow, making it near-worthless to the thief. Install a fence possibly even electric to prevent both towing and after-hours easy trespassing.  An electric fence can also be tied into the alarm system, which will alert you if the fence is activated or cut.

  • Spike strips or bollards

During the day, spike strips or bollards can be pulled in, permitting access in and out of the dealership. After working hours, they can be raised to avert cars from being taken off the lot without considerable damage. Both the fences or walls combined with spikes or bollards will help in forming a secured entry and exit points.

  • Virtual Security Surveillance

The virtual surveillance system is a top of the line surveillance system coupled with strong human security intelligence. It has been known to function properly in several businesses across the country. Making use of advanced virtual security systems to help business owners reduce the need for multiple security guards. Help businesses curb the cost of having a lot of security personnel as virtual security systems can cover a lot more area.

UV Security’s Live Monitoring Services are 100% more effective than a burglar alarm only. We keep an eye on the things every second at night. We intervene instantly whenever any doubtful activity is noticed. From our remote video monitoring facility, we are able to contact the authority really fast for over 95% of all alarm notifications. Contact +1 832 675 9535 to get your business or property a live surveillance system.

Be Safe!

There are certain questions property owners or managers ask before the installation of a custom remote video monitoring system and they are as follows.

Can My Own Camera Be Use?

Your existing camera can be used but there are certain factors to consider before you do so. You have to consider if your property has a current IP camera as the surveillance system has to integrate it into the server and if the surveillance system warranty covers the existing camera. This is important as the cost of repairs will be high if it is not covered under the warranty.

What Specific Service Does My Property Need?

The security needs of your property differ just as your property differs from others. It is important that you select a company that has experience in your business as they will better understand what you really need.

What Is The Response Rate of Your Company?

We at UV security have more than 11 years of experience in various security system problems and we have a relatively fast response rate. We always deliver what our clients want from us on time and we take into cognizance the concern of our clients at all times. We provide a team of security operatives who will contact the authorities in cases of suspicious activities. We are faster than the burglar alarm system and we act on any suspected activity before the crime happens.

What Technology Does Your Company Make Use Of?

Just as the criminals are becoming smarter and trickier, our security technology is advancing as well. We make use of topnotch security surveillance systems to protect your business and all of its assets. We customize the remote video monitoring system & use highly trained security personal intelligence to suit the needs of the businesses. This is also done so it can be relatively easy to update the systems as the technology advances. We ensure that we are never left behind with new technology coupled with the power of delivery security experience to identify any suspected activities.

Does Upgrading Lighting Help Surveillance System?

Upgraded exterior lighting will help tremendously as the suspicious activity will be viewed relatively well by our CCTV monitoring services. Our systems, however, can work despite bad lighting and suspicious activities can still be detected. A properly lit property is an obvious deterrent for criminals. Our surveillance systems can also function properly in harsh weather conditions such a heavy rain or wind. The security operatives viewing the live feeds will notify the authorities in the situation of suspicious or criminal activities.

Should I Notify The Public That They Will Be Recorded?

Different cities having different requirements, some cities require that business notify the public while others don’t. It is very important that you consult your lawyer to know the requirements of the city your business is. We offer signs to post around which lets the public know that they are being recorded. This post is advantageous as criminal activities will be decreased as it will be a deterrent for criminal activities to take place.

UV Security’s Live Monitoring Services are 100% more effective than an Intruder-alarm only. We keep an eye on the things every second at night. We intervene instantly whenever any doubtful activity is noticed. From our remote video monitoring facility, we are able to contact the authority really fast for over 95% of all alarm notifications. Contact +1 832 675 9535 to get your business or property a live surveillance system.

Be Safe & Protected!

Advantages of Virtual Security System Over On-site Security Guards 

Most business and property owners pick virtual security over On-site security guards as it benefits their businesses more. From the reliability of the virtual surveillance to the affordability, the advantages of virtual security surveillance over On-site security guards are endless. The following are the reasons why most business and property owners have replaced security guards with virtual security surveillance systems.

Virtual Security Surveillance System Is Reliable 

There is no risk of distraction with virtual security surveillance system as opposed to security guards who are human and can be easily distracted. There are also no external factors inhibiting the proper functioning of the virtual system unlike with On-site guards where several factors can inhibit their work. UV security systems functions at night long and has no risk of falling ill and not showing up for work. Most businesses opt for having security personnel to oversee the live monitoring Services. The security personnel usually have shifts they take so their performance will be top-notch at all times.

Virtual Security Surveillance Systems Have Better Coverage

There is only so much an on-site security guard can cover. The security guard also does not have the luxury of being in more than one place at the same time. On the other hand, a virtual security system with proper CCTV monitoring Services enables you to perform multiple coverages at the same time and can detect suspicious activity faster than an on-site security guard.

Virtual Security Systems Are Relatively Affordable

Compared to the cost of an on-site security guard, virtual security systems are affordable. Virtual security systems can perform the job of on-site security guards well, so businesses do not need multiple security guards.

No Liability Risks 

Compared to security guards who pose a huge security liability risk to businesses, virtual security systems can access information without the risk of hurting anyone. Security guards are always at the risk of hurting themselves or hurting someone whereas there is no such risk with surveillance systems and can act on suspected activity by sounding the burglar alarm before the crime happens.

UV Security’s Live Monitoring Services are 100% more effective than an intruder-alarm only. We keep an eye on the things every second at night. We intervene instantly whenever any doubtful activity is noticed. From our remote video monitoring facility, were able to contact the authority really fast for over 95% of all burglar alarm notifications. Contact +1 832 675 9535 to get your business or property a live surveillance system.


Be Safe!

Every business or property owner needs a rooftop surveillance system to protect their property from criminal activity and vulnerability problems. UV Security rooftop surveillance system can function in any environmental or weather condition. The technology allows the security camera attached to the surveillance system to function in extreme weather conditions such as wind, excessive rain, and snow. The rooftop surveillance system has a special feature that enables it to function properly at night and in dim places. UV Security rooftop surveillance system is very beneficial to business in a number of ways which are outlined below.

It Protects the Outdoor Property

Most times, the outdoor property of various business are subjected to criminal activity such as vandalism which can pose a serious threat to the business. With this rooftop surveillance system, the security operators will alert the police or security guards to take action before any real damage occurs. The CCTV monitoring Services has better coverage and so it can view all areas around the property.

It Reduces Criminal Activities

Various criminal activities such as theft, breaking and entering, trespassing, assault etc can be avoided with this rooftop surveillance system. The surveillance system possesses features that can view suspicious activities and report it to the right authorities before it escalates and causes problems for the business.

It Protects the Business from Vulnerability Problems

Most property owners are at risk of liability. UV security rooftop surveillance system can, however, help to reduce this by accessing every part of the building and finding areas that are accident prone. This will help businesses take the right measures to avoid anybody getting hurt on their property thus, reducing the liability risks. The security cameras are positioned to view every area of the business to prevent any vulnerability problems.

It Works Constantly

The rooftop surveillance system works constantly and it can view multiple areas of the building at the same time. This live monitoring Services feed will help the businesses on occasions when there is need to provide proof. For example, the video feed serves as proof to help the business from any false claims made by anyone trying to cause any liability issues for the business. The video feed can also act as evidence in the case when an unpleasant situation occurs on the premises. The vulnerability to break-in using the roof as a hideout is reduced as well.

UV security rooftop surveillance system is a top of the line surveillance system coupled with strong security requirement understanding. It has been known to function properly in several business across the country. We make use of advanced technology in our security systems to help business owners reduce the need for multiple security guards. Our virtual security surveillance system can substitute greatly for a number of security guards. We help businesses curb the cost of having a lot of security personnel as our security systems can cover a lot more area. UV security rooftop surveillance systems and other security systems that we provide can last for a relatively long time.

UV Security’s Live Monitoring Services are 100% more effective than a burglar alarm only. We keep an eye on the things every second at night with our CCTV monitoring services. We intervene instantly whenever any doubtful activity is noticed. From our remote video monitoring facility, we are able to contact the authority really fast for over 95% of all alarm notifications. Contact +1 832 675 9535 to get your business or property a live surveillance system.

BE SAFE & Protected!

From time immemorial, there has never been entirely replacing the human element in security systems, and this has still been the case even with the spiraling cost of the workforce that has wholly changed the labor markets. Also, the most heavily designed of burglar alarms are no match for the versatility that people bring to the field of security and protection systems.

The thinking ability of people as compared to machines

Despite the tremendous advancements made in electronics and the use of logic systems, there can never be getting past the thinking power that a human being possesses. It takes operations to a different level once the operator is integrated into the system and this has been seen with the most expensive and elaborate of security systems.

Naturally, it is justified when folks try to stick to the age-old and time-tested method of using guards to protect property than use some burglar alarm. There are of course a lot of benefits to this approach, but it must be pointed out that guards do have a few setbacks that make them merely unworkable.

Fatigue: This could be the most human of elements when working long hours and this is one factor that put a brake on the best of performers no matter the field that is under consideration. The typical machine can work continuously without any fatigue been noticed. In an actual situation, the fatigue factor would necessitate the use of shifts to keep the people on the job fresh and sharp.

Wages: As the standards of living across the world increases, it is only natural that it gets increasingly costly to use workforce. A factor that works to the advantage of machines as compared to the manual system is that there is very little by way of a recurring cost in a mechanized set up as compared to a manual method.

Dependability: How dependable are your people? Who looks after them? Are they trained enough to handle your security needs ? The answer could well hinge on the factors involved. Hence it would be better to use a system that is best described as fail proof than to rely on a system that is prone to failure.

The next step in security systems

As considered above, it would thus be sensible to use a system that uses human resources to the least extent and something that is best a hybrid of the two. This is typically what live video monitoring seeks to achieve. There is an overbearing use of technology, but the controlling feature does lie with the human operators, and thus the thinking element is retained as best as could be done.

The camera system keeps the use of human resources to the minimum and employs technology to the best possible extent. It is possible to bring a more professional approach by focusing on the few people that are in the system, and this is bound to produce results that are dependable as well as reliable at best. A higher level of training and quality personnel can be made use of in this method at all times.

Live Monitoring is More Effective than having only an Alarm System.

UV Security’s Live Monitoring Services are 100% more effective than an Intruder-alarm only. Keeping an eye on the things every second at night.Intervene instantly whenever any doubtful activity is noticed. From a remote video monitoring facility,& able to contact the authority really fast for over 95% of all alarm notifications. : 1 832 675 9536 :

If Security is on your mind, out of all your busy schedule, take a few seconds break and try to answer the following.

Trust me, it’s gonna help you out a lot in future.

  • By timewise and moneywise
  • By performance wise and result wise
  • By customer retention wise and satisfaction wise

Go ahead & do it.

The 10 simple questions to know how secure your business is. Be honest and make a mental note of your answers.

  1. How many burglar attacks/thefts happened around your business location and inside premises so far?
  2. How many such crimes were you able to prevent?
  3. On an average how long did it take your security system to detect and assess the crime?
  4. How many times your business has been disrupted because of such attacks?
  5. How many times were you undisrupted even when such incidents took place?
  6. What was the impact such disruptions had in your business?
  7. What is the number of false/positive detection alerts that you get on an average?
  8. How long did it take you to restore operational environment after such incidents?
  9. How severe was your financial loss after burglar attacks/thefts?
  10. How severe was your financial loss after successful disruptions?

If you feel your security system is under threat, after answering all these questions, We can help you out.

Just give me a call ( +1 832 675 9535 ) , or write to me ( ) now .

We are all ears.

Be Safe!

Video surveillance plays such an imperative role in helping you reduce the chances of a theft as well as crime. Security cameras enable you to guard and protect your property and valuables. New breakthroughs in wireless systems, wireless compatibility, and video monitoring technology can actually help you keep guard what matters to you.

Camera models such as Lorex 700TVL Security Camera and Swann PRO-760 Super Wide-Angle Security Camera have movement sensors and different alert settings. What it means is that you can configure the settings to send push notifications and email alerts whenever something happens. Video Surveillance cameras like Samsung SmartCam HD Pro helps you keep close tabs on your property, valuables, and loved ones, when you are away. So you can react and respond immediately in any scenario.

It may not be that easy for you to choose what’s the right camera and solution for your requirements. Here are a few things you can consider.


You have a variety of options available for security camera design. However, the usual models are bullet shaped, dome-shaped, or mounted circular. Most come with mounting stands and attachment cables. Do check if these are included the package, or you can pick add-on components to ensure your camera is compatible with the rest of your system.


Resolution varies camera to camera. You pay more for better quality. You must ensure whether you are looking for night vision compatibility, or color is of more importance to you. Average resolution for the models is around 640 x 480 pixels. Of course, you can buy a camera with greater range for better outdoor monitoring.


The usual models come with built-in microphones. And there are security cameras that come with 2-way audio capabilities. This helps you talk to people on the other side. Please note that a number of outdoor models don’t rely on audio surveillance.

Wireless Capability

You can connect your cameras that has the wireless compatibility, to your Wi-Fi connection. And have the live streaming available on your mobile devices and computer. Most outdoor camera models don’t have wireless capability. So you will need to hook the cables to your DVR or monitor to view the video feed.

Indoor/Outdoor Capability

It depends on where  you plan to set up your video surveillance security cameras. Any decent camera should be good enough to handle your basic monitoring requirements. But if you plan to go for outdoor surveillance cameras for business security and commercial sites and property. do ensure that your cameras are good enough to handle extreme temperatures, rain, and snow.

Set your expectations and budget. That will help you make a better choice to buy best video monitoring cameras for business and home.

Still having doubts how security camera can provide protection to your business?

Reach out to me here

BE Safe & Do not Forget Security is a Process.